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Problem Chef has N slippers, L of which are left slippers and the rest are right slippers. Slippers must always be sold in pairs, where each pair c…

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Problem Gru has not been in the limelight for a long time and is, therefore, planning something particularly nefarious. Frustrated by his minions&…

Correct Slippers : CORRSLP CodeChef Solution

Problem You're given an integer N. Write a program to calculate the sum of all the digits of N. Input The first line contains an integer T, the …

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Coldplay : SLOOP | CodeChef Solution

Problem Chef is a big fan of Coldplay. Every Sunday, he will drive to a park taking MM minutes to reach there, and during the ride he will play a sin…

Area OR Perimeter : AREAPERI | CodeChef Solution

Problem Write a program to obtain length (L)(L) and breadth (B)(B) of a rectangle and check whether its area is greater or perimeter is greater or bo…

First and Last Digit : FLOW004 | CodeChef Solution

Problem If Give an integer N . Write a program to obtain the sum of the first and last digits of this number. Input Format The first line contains an…

Sum of Digits : FLOW006 | CodeChef Solution

Problem You're given an integer N. Write a program to calculate the sum of all the digits of N. Input Format The first line contains an integer T…
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