Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Test link

post 8



Chef has N slippers, L of which are left slippers and the rest are right slippers. Slippers must always be sold in pairs, where each pair contains one left and one right slipper. If each pair of slippers cost X rupees, what is the maximum amount of rupees that Chef can get for these slippers?.

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Input Format

  • The first line contains T - the number of test cases. Then the test cases follow.
  • The first line of each test case contains three space-separated integers N, L, and X - the total number of slippers, the number of left slippers, and the price of a pair of slippers in rupees.

Output Format

For each test case, output on one line the maximum amount of rupees that Chef can get by selling the slippers that are available.



0 0 100
10 1 0
1000 10 1000
10 7 1


Test case 1: Chef has no pairs to sell, so the amount obtained is 0.
Test case 2: The amount earned by selling a pair is 0, so the total amount obtained is 0.
Test case 3: Chef can sell 10 pairs of slippers, each giving 1000 rupees, so the total amount earned is 1000 . 10 = 10000.
Test case 4: Chef has 10 slippers of which 7 are left and 3 are right. Therefore Chef can sell a maximum of 3 pairs and in total can get at most 3 .1 = 3.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Solution from : Code Radius [ https://radiuscode.blogspot.com/ ]

int main() {
 int t;
 while(t--) {
  int n,l,x;
  if(l>=n-l) {
  else {
 return 0;
Please First Try to Solve Problem by Yourself.
I am Devesh Singh, Student in Varanasi India . I like to write blog on technology and ethical hacking and other tricks or solutions to problem that anyone face during using technology and Internet.

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