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Total Prize Money : PRIZEPOOL | CodeChef Solution



In a coding contest, there are prizes for the top rankers. The prize scheme is as follows:
  • Top 10 participants receive rupees X each.
  • Participants with rank 11 to 100 (both inclusive) receive rupees Y each.
Find the total prize money over all the contestants.

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Input Format

First line will contain T, number of test cases. Then the test cases follow.
Each test case contains of a single line of input, two integers X and Y - the prize for top 10 rankers and the prize for ranks 11 to 100 respectively.

Output Format

For each test case, output the total prize money over all the contestants.



1000 100
1000 1000
80 1
400 30


Test Case 1: Top 10 participants receive rupees 1000 and next 90 participants receive rupees 100 each. So, total prize money = 10 . 1000 + 90 . 100 = 19000.
Test Case 2: Top 10 participants receive rupees 1000 and next 90 participants receive rupees 1000 each. So, total prize money = 10 . 1000 + 90 . 1000 = 100000.
Test Case 3: Top 10 participants receive rupees 80 and next 90 participants receive rupee 1 each. So, total prize money = 10 . 80 + 90 . 1 = 890.
Test Case 4: Top 10 participants receive rupees 400 and next 90 participants receive rupees 30 each. So, total prize money = 10 . 400 + 90 . 30 = 6700.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Solution from : Code Radius [ https://radiuscode.blogspot.com/ ]

int main() {
	int txP;
	for(int index=0;index<txP;index++)
	    int xx,yx;
	return 0;

Please First Try to Solve Problem by Yourself.
I am Devesh Singh, Student in Varanasi India . I like to write blog on technology and ethical hacking and other tricks or solutions to problem that anyone face during using technology and Internet.

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